Mr Cone Head
Wood (African Oak)
Wood, 56 high x 30 x 30 cm, 2005
22 high x 12 x 12 inches
Description of Sculpture:
An abstract portrait head of wood. This is a remarkable abstract
sculpture, carved out of African Oak. It is truly 3-dimensional and should be
viewed from all sides. Six different cones of various size were carefully carved
and polished and then fastened together to achieve this striking portrait.
Artist's Interpretation:
My younger grandchildren were coming to visit me in Israel. I
felt that my home, which now looks more like a museum with my serious
sculptures, might be a bit overwhelming, so I decided to create a “fun
sculpture” which they would relate to. I decided to make a man's head out of ice
cream cones and call it “Mr Cone Head”. The sculpture was a big hit, and my
4-year-old grandson, who we appropriately call “Dyna-Mikey”, immediately went
for it. I asked him what he was trying to do and he said: “I want to take it
apart, GrandDad!” So, until “Dyna-Mikey” gets a little older, I decided to keep
it out of his reach.
Richard Minns