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"There are three identifiable strands to my artistic practice:

"The first consists of colour studies, usually expressed as works on paper to be followed up as works on canvas or linen. These works tend to begin as theories, with a certain amount of calculation, experiment and trial-and-error. This area of my work also includes the graphic representations of the colour palettes used in strands two and three.

"The second strand, which bridges the area between strands one and three, addresses possibilities of simplifying images into their underlying colours and structures. There is often an inherent playfulness to these paintings, although they address questions of relativity, luminosity, advancement and recession in pigments.

"The third area of work is the culmination of the previous two, using the building blocks of the colour studies, along with the simplified images, to create paintings with an intensity of approach and in-depth study of what makes an image what it is."
Brian Martin Brooks


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E-mail: info@hayhillgallery.com